Part 13: Episode XII: 11B
Episode XII: 11B
Music: Rays of Light (Vocal)
I know the first thing I said about sidequests was to skip all of them until fast travel unlocks. But, well... the first optional couple are an exception, since fast travel only shaves off about three minutes of commute. Its the ones after this point where its a 20 minute addition of travel time just running from Point A to Point B that are the issue mitigated by being able to teleport to areas.
Anyway, we did get an e-mail about a new weapon and a sidequest, both involving a return trip to the Abandoned Factory from the Prologue chapter. See that building over there? Thats where we touched down the beginning of this chapter.
Now lets just pan over about 90 degrees, just past the next building over from where we started. See that collapsed overpass? Thats the Factory peeking out just past it.
Its just a matter of scampering over an incredible rusted but surprisingly sturdy wrecked truck and dashing down the mostly intact overpass. Fun fact: 2B is supposed to be around 330 lbs. Living tissue over a metal endoskeleton aint light. Also Terminators were totally androids, not cyborgs. James Cameron, you idiot.
Theres a bit of the factory we didnt encounter, including a small parking lot/cargo shipping area leading to a stairway and a Save Terminal. This is the only save point available in the Factory at the moment. The map, annoyingly, displays a couple more in the general region really early on. Yeah... those arent accessible until about 85% of the way through the playthrough. Dont bother searching for like 20 minutes to get to em. Not that I did that or anything...
Music: Ends
Climbing to the top of the stairs, we find ourselves... right back at the end of the Factory section. Up there is where we ran over Engels to reach the bridge where quite a bit transpired.
So... I dont know... maybe that opening mission would have been more successful if they took a land route over the city, landed around where 2B and 9S did early, and just... walked to the Factory? I dont think Engels could have zeroed in on everyone as well as it did when they were flying in with zero cover over open water. Just a thought.
And theres the bridge itself, which is not in the best of shape after Engels flying head-butt it a few times. Oh and the whole android black box detonations. That couldnt have helped matters. We never do see that supposed facility on the other side of the bridge.
Traveling toward the new edge of the bridge, we find 2Bs old sword sticking out of the ground, having been conveniently blown just far enough away from the blast to avoid sinking into the ocean.
Much like Virtuous Contract, Virtuous Treaty is a fairly viable option throughout the majority of the game. Its a wee bit faster than Beastlord, even if it doesnt have quite the range. At Level 2 it gains a boost to attack speed and at max level, it also gains Holy Blessing (more damage at max HP.)
But who cares about that? Thats ages from now. Its time for another Weapon History!
Virtuous Treaty posted:
OK, then... 2B, these are your default weapons. Have you been in for your quarterly psych evaluation lately...? Just curious...
Were not quite done on this bridge. Just ahead of Virtuous Treaty is another android corpse. This android corpse is special. As it turns out, its 2Bs dead body from the Prologue.
Collecting the body will restore all the materials and the mess of healing items/buffs we had during Chapter 1, as well as the Auto-Item Chip that 2B had installed during the opening. Auto-Item will, as the name suggests, automatically use a Small Heal item if 2Bs health falls to critical range. It does have a momentary lag between 2B falling to critical health (which briefly slows down time) and the items use, in which 2B can still get ganked if an enemy follows up quickly. And it doesnt work if she gets one-shot (i.e. its all but useless on Hard/Very Hard.)
But hey, for early game this isnt a bad security blanket if this ain't your kind of genre normally. This is one of the few Auto-Chips that work on difficulties above Easy.
Thats enough about 2Bs corpse run. Lets tackle the factory. We did have a sidequest to recover something belonging to 11B, who if youll remember was the second android to fall at the very beginning of the opening mission. According to the map, something of hers managed to make its way into the Factory zone, despite the fact she died in a fiery wreck about twenty miles from land.

New Music: Wretched Machinery (Quiet)
Were given a very broad range of where this sidequests objective could be. Spoilers: Its literally back at the start of the region, where we fought the first Marx.
Right at the start of the Factory was a dead android named Ken(yes) I decided to revive. It seems to be quite stoked to be revived as a ghoulish thrall. Revived Androids come packing the Slot 1 weapon the player was carrying when they died. In Ken(yes)s case... bare fists. Great...
In practice, revived androids act like a dumber 9S that are always set to be Aggressive behavior. Theyre a useful distraction but not that much of a boon. Especially in an area with weak enemies like this. This is just a matter of going through the same exact encounters from the Prologue, but in reverse.
Thankfully, we did open up those shortcuts early, so that shaves off a good five minutes of not particularly interesting encounters. Ken(yes)s short life came to a close just as we reached the first shortcut hidden by the camera. Revived AIs only last for about two minutes before exploding violently. Said explosion will damage any nearby enemies. So that could help... if there were any. 2Bs self-destruct is also transferred to revived androids, if we want to manually explode the fallen comrade.
With the lowered bridge and cranes from early, weve got a fairly straight shot back to the initial battleground for 2B. Ah the memories. If we approach right back to where 2B landed with dramatic flair, we find...
11Bs corpse made its way here. Somehow... Id like to think it got blown out of its Flight Unit and skipped across the ocean like a stone at high speeds before slamming through the wall here. But lets investigate.

This might be relevant in the future, but despite 11B having her black box be trashed without back-up and thus she is super dead, YoRHa weapons can hold memory data as well. Its more of an actual planes black box recorder. And accessing 11Bs gets us this:
So unlike the rest of the non-2B YoRHa assault crew, 11B just faked her death to go AWOL. And then immediately completely fucked up her escape plan and died within an hour later. I dont know if thats better or worse than having just outright gotten blown out of the sky from a stationary laser beam.

That is our first of sixty Resident Evil-esque text file Archives. There is... theres a LOT of lore junk in this game. Honestly, not a lot early on. And then a metric ton by the late stages of the game. So look forward to that.
In any case, weve fulfilled our request for the android on the Bunker. Unfortunately, even with shortcuts, weve still got to backtrack through the entire Factory zone. Only this time with no enemies because they dont respawn until we leave the area or reload a save.
But really, only the run back to the Resistance Camp is the time that would have been saved with Fast Travel. And thats only a two minute job since 2B absolutely hauls ass once she gets going.

Music: Fortress of Lies

OK. Nice, weve got a free weapon out of the deal. Not a particularly great one. But... Well look at that in a moment. First...

We are given a choice at the end of this quest. 16D didnt look at that battle log we read. We can reveal the truth of 11Bs dereliction of duties before her death or keep it ourselves. The latter choice is just a line of 16D admitting she and 11B were lovers and she's deciding to switch jobs to a Combat model. But, if we choose to reveal the truth... Well...

New Music: Broken Heart (Vocal) (A lot of side quests conclude with some rarely played music this go around.)

Yeah well... The reward is the same either way. Just not the part where 16D takes a heel turn with her relationship. Ok... So about that weapon?
Its the bog standard all non-main character YoRHa soldiers have equipped. Its first upgrade gives a 30% discount in stores run by YoRHa or the Resistance while its equipped. At maximum level, it gains Pod Charge, which reduces the cooldown on Pod Programs. But lets do the important part.
YoRHa-issue Blade posted:
Morning, listeners! It's time to kick off another installment of Listener Letters
with your favorite radio idol, DJ 24D! Now let's get this day started right, shall we?
How's it going, listeners? Yeah, I know... You're all still thinking about that clean-up
operation yesterday, right? We may have lost a lot of good people, but it's still our job to
get up and at 'em, right!?"
Howdy, listeners! Your favorite radio idol DJ 24D hasn't been receiving many letters
lately. Don't you like me anymore? Ha ha! Or maybe no one is even listening? Whee hee
hee! Anyway, who's ready to kick things off?
Hello? Is anyone there? Is this thing even on? It's me, radio listeners! 24D! I'm an
idol, remember? An idol! An idol an idol an idol an idol an idol an idol an idol an idol
an idol an idol an idol an idol an idol an idol an
Yeah... Hey 9S, what do you say we head back to Earth? People are weird in space.
That takes care of the last of early business in Chapter 2 of NieR: Automata. All thats left available to do now is to head for this Desert region and investigate the Machine Surge coming from the area. Getting to the desert isnt much of an issue. Remember the overpass to the Factory?
Were just going to run right past that, continue down the, surprisingly intact for 10,000 years of poor maintenance, road to its end. And there is the entrance to the desert region just past those collapsed buildings.
Tune in next time to Chapter 3 of NieR: Automata. In which things get REAL fucking weird really fast...

Video: Episode 12 Highlight Reel

Factory Concept Art They really downgraded the bridge to this joint, huh?